Posts Tagged ‘sadist’

So, my wrist hurts. My wrist hurts alot and it shivers when it’s not supported by anything, like a table, and I’m perfectly fine with it! Why my wrist hurts you ask? Well, I do martial arts, self-defense, and today for the first time in a really long time, I was what we call Uke. In traditional japanese jiujitsu, Uke is the person, the rag doll, on which the sensei demonstrates the techniques.

So I was appointed Uke by one of our senseis, an old 4th dan, and through 1½ hours he mutilated my right wrist, and when he didn’t play with it, my partner did. My reaction? Awesome! My reaction when it was my turn to inflict large amounts of pain on my partner? Also awesome! To be honest I simple love to hear him scream in agony (the good kind) and tap out, and I love to be the one yelling and tapping on the mat, when it feels like my wrist or elbow is snapping, or being choked to the very edge of consciousness. That been said, I’m not looking forward to the day when something actually break or when I actually get into a real fight in a bar, but until that:

Det är själva livet som gör anspråk på oss, eftersom mänskligt liv redan nu är sådan att vi inte kan leva utan att forviklede med andra människors liv. Vi kan helt enkelt inte kan existera utan att efterfrågas, uppmuntras och utmanas att ta hand om andra.